About the Procedure
Surgery is performed in the Jupiter location in one of two fully accredited operating suites. It generally takes about 2 hours of surgical time. Patients will recover and either go home or go to one of our partner hotel sites. Patients will be seen the morning after surgery for a check up or on Monday if surgery falls on a Friday. Drains are used in all explant patients and are removed by our staff in the office on average on day 5 post op. All sutures are dissolvable and counseling on scar treatment will be done during the post op course. There should be no gym or exercise for the first 3 weeks after surgery and regular activities including cardio and lower body weights can be resumed by 6 weeks post op. Direct pec exercises are able to be performed 3 months post surgery if the implants were under the muscle.
Follow Ups
Follow ups are generally one day after surgery, five days after surgery (for drain removal), and then dependent upon where each patient lives. Dr. Rankin is available to his patients at all times for any question or concerns.
Final results, particularly breast shape, are achieved usually 9-12 months after surgery and depend on many factors including previous breast surgeries, amount of native breast tissue, size of implants, skin elasticity, asymmetry present and others.